Tytu³: Norrbotten Regiment (I19) - czyli do kogo nawi±zujemy? Wiadomo¶æ wys³ana przez: Lojtnant Marzec 15, 2009, 12:04:31 W swoim wyposa¿eniu oraz oznaczeniach nawi±zujemy do jägarbataljon wchodz±cego w sk³ad Norrbotten Regiment (I19)
Siedziba "naszego" sztabu, czyli I19 (http://www.mil.se/ImageVault/Images/id_4167/scope_128/webSafe_1/ImageVaultHandler.aspx?~) Poni¿ej podstawowe informacje o Norrbotten Regiment (I19) w jêzyku angielskim zaczerpniête ze strony www.mil.se (http://www.mil.se) Norrbotten Regiment (I 19) is responsible for the development, training and operational activities of a brigade combat command group, two mechanised battalions, a ranger battalion and two engineer companies, as well as other training and auxiliary groups. The regiment’s training battalions are the Norrbotten Tank Battalion and the Swedish Army Ranger Battalion. The regiment is also responsible for 12 Home Guard battalions and for supporting the Home Guard and other voluntary activities in the four northernmost counties. The regiment also supports the Artillery Regiment and the Armed Forces Logistics units in Boden and Arvidsjaur. The regiment is organised with a regimental staff which also serves as the staff for the garrisons in Boden and Arvidsjaur, the Norrbotten Tank Battalion in Boden, the Swedish Army Ranger Battalion in Arvidsjaur, The Swedish Armed Forces Winter Unit, The Lappland Ranger Unit in Kiruna, the Norrbotten Group in Boden, the Västerbotten Group in Umeå, the Field Ranger Group in Östersund and the Västernorrland Group in Härnörsand as well as four support units. The regiment is assigned to lead missions in the four northernmost counties. It carries out the basic training of national service personnel for the rapid response unit, as well as organising, training, maintaining at readiness, making available and supporting units for participation in international missions. The regiment is also responsible for developing the Army’s ranger capabilities and the winter warfare capability of all branches of the Swedish Armed Forces. The Swedish Armed Forces Winter Unit The Swedish Armed Forces Winter Unit forms part of the Norrbotten Regiment, I 19, and its task is to coordinate and support the development of the winter warfare capabilities of the Swedish Armed Forces. The unit operates at two locations, Boden and Arvidsjaur. The Norrbotten Tank Battalion The Norrbotten Tank Battalion trains rapid response units possessing high levels of mobility and firepower. Equipment includes main battle tanks Strv 122 (modified Leopard 2) and the combat vehicle CV 90. The battalion is manned by a little over 800 well trained soldiers. The battalion has at its disposal the most modern equipment available and has access to simulators and other training aids as well as exercise areas and firing ranges which provide for the exercising of advanced combat skills under realistic and testing conditions. The Norrbotten tank battalion is the only battalion with its own engineer company. The tank battalion consists of about 195 officers and a little over 900 national service personnel. Swedish Army Ranger Battalion The Swedish Army Ranger Battalion is the Armed Forces’ main resource capable of fighting and intelligence gathering far behind enemy lines where other units could not operate or achieve the same effect. The ranger unit operates in all areas but with a particular capability in sub-arctic conditions. The Army Ranger Battalion is a rapid response unit which is employed on missions in environments or locations in which the desired effect could not be achieved using aircraft, artillery or other units, or in providing support which other units need in order to accomplish their aims anywhere in Sweden or in adjacent areas. The unit is trained by the Norrland Dragoons detachment in Arvidsjaur. Norrbotten Regiment - symbolika (http://www.mil.se/ImageVault/Images/storage_Edited/filename_roloOpa6AFBtpF1nvPMG.gif/id_5055/ImageVaultHandler.aspx?~5055~Norrbottens regementes heraldiska vapen.) |